Past Events

Past Event

Virtual Webinar

Tuesday, April 9, 2024

9:00 AM — 10:00 AM

Empowering Inclusive Giving: For all Development professionals, with a focus on Planned Giving

Hosted by NJCGP and AFP-NJ, please join us for a great day of learning and an opportunity to expand your professional network.


Enhance the inclusivity of your planned giving program with this insightful presentation. While non-profits have made strides in understanding Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) principles, the realm of planned giving remains in its nascent stages of incorporating these values. Uncover the reasons behind the underrepresentation of communities of color in planned giving and explore a comprehensive, long-term strategy to foster inclusivity within the sector.

Key Presentation Highlights:

  1. Decoding DEI in Planned Giving:
    Explore the meaning of DEI in the specific context of planned giving programs and understand its pivotal role in creating a more inclusive environment.
  2. Barriers to Inclusivity:
    Delve into the legal, historical, and systemic obstacles faced by communities of color in the establishment of wills and trusts, shedding light on the challenges that hinder equal representation.
  3. Understanding Donor Perspectives:
    Examine how the lived experiences of high net worth donors of color impact their philanthropic approaches, offering valuable insights for tailored engagement.
  4. Best Practices from Fellow Non-Profits:
    Discover how other non-profits are successfully integrating DEI principles into their planned giving programs, providing actionable examples for emulation.
  5. Practical Solutions and Resources:
    Gain access to practical, actionable ideas and a curated set of resources. Learn how to initiate and sustain a genuinely inclusive planned giving program and explore effective methods to measure progress.

Empower your organization to embark on a transformative journey towards inclusivity in planned giving. This presentation promises to equip you with the knowledge and tools necessary to create a more authentically inclusive and welcoming planned giving program.

Our Presenter

Jade Bristol, JD
Chief Development Officer
Giving Docs

Jade Bristol serves as the Chief Development Officer at Giving Docs, collaborating with planned giving professionals nationwide to optimize their outcomes through the strategic implementation of Giving Docs’ advanced online estate planning tools. With a background as a former Trusts & Estates attorney, Jade has over 15 years of experience within the nonprofit sector, where she held leadership roles in planned giving departments at distinguished organizations such as the Human Rights Campaign and Muscular Dystrophy Association.
In addition to her professional commitments, Jade is also the President of the National Capital Gift Planning Council in Washington D.C. Additionally, she has co-authored research exploring the intersection between Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) initiatives and their impact on planned giving, and she currently serves on the DEI committee of the National Association of Charitable Gift Planners.
Jade is a cum laude graduate of Georgetown University Law Center where her studies emphasized tax law.

A Free Virtual Presentation

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