Past Events

Past Event

General Session

Tuesday, April 5, 2022

8:30 AM — 11:15 AM

Bequest Administration — Basic & Advanced

Presented by

Stacy B. Sulman, J.D.

Chief Legal Officer and Vice President for Personalized Philanthropy
American Committee for the Weizmann Institute of Science


8:30 – Breakfast and Networking
9:00 – Basic Bequest Administration
10:00 – Coffee Break
10:15 – Advanced Bequest Administration
11:15 – Adjourn

Basic Bequest Administration — from the Day-to-Day to the Dumfounding

No matter the size of your operation, bequest administration is never simple. Each estate has its own challenges. In this session, Stacy discusses some of strategies for managing a pool of active estates. In doing so, she will address a variety of challenges, including: problematic gift restrictions; difficult IRA distributions; litigation threats; and what to do when you inherit land or another illiquid asset. The hope is that you will take away useful tips for running a smooth bequest administration program.

Advanced Bequest Administration — Case Studies of Complex Estates that are Just a Bit Too Interesting

This session will look at several complex estate situations through real life case studies — dealing with issues like unmarketable real property; international law and tax; and multiple charities. Stacy will highlight some of main challenges and steps taken, through legal and diplomatic efforts, to mitigate if not resolve those challenges. We will also discuss using metrics to track and show the success of your bequest administration program.

Stacy B. Sulman portraitStacy B. Sulman, J.D., is the Chief Legal Officer and Vice President for Personalized Philanthropy for the American Committee for the Weizmann Institute of Science, where she has worked for over 13 years. In that capacity, Stacy oversees planned giving and estate settlements, among other areas. Stacy previously served as Associate Director and General Counsel for the Jewish Community Foundation of MetroWest, New Jersey.
Stacy teaches Planned Giving at New York University’s Heyman School for Philanthropy and Fundraising. Stacy has also taught at the University of Arizona College of Law. Stacy currently serves as Immediate Past President of the Philanthropic Planning Group of of Greater New York.
Stacy received her JD from the University of Arizona College of Law, and her Bachelor’s Degree from Bryn Mawr College. She also spent a graduate year at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem as a Raoul Wallenberg Scholar.

Grain House at the Olde Mill Inn

225 Route 202
Basking Ridge, NJ 07920

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